Search Results
[ENG] Andrei Laperie: "Zephyr Networking overview"
[RUS] Andrei Laperie: "Zephyr Networking overview"
BKK19-113 - Networking in Zephyr LTS and beyond
[ENG] Andrei Emeltchenko: "Writing Your Own Gadget with Zephyr OS" / #LinuxPiter
Zephyr 101 - Ethernet
AT-based Modem Support in the Zephyr Project: Present and Future - Michael Scott & Ricardo Salveti
Open DC Grid - Microgrid Standard Based on Open Source for Energy Acces... James Gula & Martin Jäger
The Zephyr Project: Reflection on the First Year and Plans for the Next Year - Anas Nashif, Intel
WiFi and Secure Socket Offload in Zephyr - Gil Pitney, Texas Instruments
SDK in the Browser for Zephyr Project - Sakari Poussa, Intel
Using SoC Vendor HALs in the Zephyr Project - Maureen Helm, NXP Semiconductors
ASU CSE 530 Zephyr Device driver and PCI infrastructure 1